Turn any keyword into Full RSS Feed of Google, Bing or Yahoo News Search
Keyword to RSS is Bing, Yahoo and Google Full RSS Feed Generator. You can use it as a simple-easy blog & article reader, rss feeds finder, news search engine, and a keyword-based-search full-rss-feeds generator. This tool will generate full rss from any keyword. You have the option to select the content source: Google, Yahoo or Bing News Search. Just enter your keyword, then just in seconds you will get the full rss feed for that keyword.
This access key is a temporary key and will expire in few days. If this key doesn't work, please try again the tool after 30 minutes, system will generate a new key automatically. Make sure there's NO SPACE before or after the access key.
For your convenience subscribe access key now for as low as 2$ per month if you subscribe for a year, or $5 if you choose monthly subscription. You can stop the subscription anytime. Once we receive the payment, we will send the access key to your PayPal email within few hours. Be sure to add fullcontentrss[at]gmail.com to your email contact.
Keyword to RSS is licensed under the AGPL version 3